Frequently Asked Questions.

How much weight can I loss with the Gastric Balloon?

Between 5 to 30 kg.

How long is the treatment?

It can be between 3 to 12 months, this will depend on which balloon was placed and the amount of weight you wish to loss.

Is the Gastric Balloon placement a surgery?

No its not, the gastric balloon placement is done by endoscopy, its an ambulatory procedure, no incision or hospitalization, in other words the patient is discharge 2 hours after the procedure is done.

How long will it take to join my daily activities after the gastric balloon placement?

We recommend some rest for at least 48 hours after the balloon placement, since it is a foreign object the body needs time to adapt, you may experience some nausea and/or pain. After 72 hour the patient can start his daily activities without any discomfort.

With the gastric balloon inside me, will I be able to have a normal lifestyle?

Yes, once the adaptation period is concluded (24 to 48 hours post placement) the patient will be able to do his normal daily activities: running, swimming, airplane travel, etc.

Do I need to travel to complete some treatment phase? How do I organize my trip?

Our patient coordinators will help you with your travel planning and schedule, if you want you can request them to arrange all the ground transportation airport-hotel-hospital and hotel reservation for the nights you wish for.

How many times do I need to see the doctor?

For the Orbera Balloon 2 times: Placement and Removal.
For the Spatz 3 Balloon, 3 times: Placement, Adjustment and Removal.

How will I change my eating habits?

Along with the Gastric Balloon treatment there is a clinical nutritional follow up, you will receive nutritional plans, what are the right food portions so you can achieve your goal.

Once the Balloon is removed will I regain the loss weight?

It is important to acquire new healthy eating habits while the treatment lasts, you most continue with the small food portions to maintained the obtained results. If the patient neglects his diet it is possible to regain the lost weight.


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