Men and Women over 18 years old or 15 years old with prior assessment by our medical team and authorization from their parents or guardians.
Persons who have been subjected to various diets and conservative treatments for weight loss and have not achieved their goal or were not able to kept in the desire weight and also meet the following characteristics:
Patients with overweight, i.e. BMI between 25 to 29.9
Patients with obesity, i.e. BMI between 30 to 29.9
Patients with morbid obesity, i.e. BMI equal or grater than 40 in preparation for surgery. The aim of the intragrastric balloon treatment in these patients is to have a weight loss controlled in a certain period of time, seeking improvement in their health and to decrease the surgical and anesthetic risks during the Bariatric procedure.
Overweight or Obese patients that don't want a bariatric surgery.
People under 15 years old
People with a large Hiatal Hernia, severe gastro esophageal reflux, sever esophagitis, duodenal or gastric ulcer
People who have had stomach surgery before such as fundoplication (for gastro esophageal reflux), obesity surgery (gastric sleeve or gastric bypass surgery)